Generate Payment Requests
When you finished accepting team members and visitors as well as optional upgrades to your team, you can create the payment request like a checkout page on a web shop.
Go to your team mangement page under Registration - Manage Teams and mange your team.
In the section of expected fees you will have a blue pay button which leads you to the payment request generation.
Most probably you do not have a finance account yet. Therefore enter a new account name. This can be whatever you want, just as a reminder for yourself to distinguish multiple accounts. If you have already an Account, please select the one you want to use to pay the fees.
Leave all the items below selected. In the end you will have to pay all the items, but if e.g. a Visitor fee should be invoiced directly to the visitor with a different address, this can be used to split the payments to multiple accounts.
The create button will give you an overview where you can check all the payments. If everything is correct, save it with the second create button.
- You will see a new menu item Profile - Finance which lists all accounts you are the owner of.
- With the transaction button you can select the correct account and see an overview of outgoing and incomming payment requests and processed payments.
- Enter your address into the text area and save it.
- You can gernerate an invoice which will be listed in the list of invoices on the bottom of the same page.
The blue pdf link will serve you the invoice as pdf to download and print.
Maybe you have to reload the page, as the pdf is generated in the background and the pdf link only appears after completion.
Once the tournament treasurer receives the payment, the payment requests will not be marked as pending, but instead are cleared.